Fundraise Like a Boss

Each player’s goal is to blow past the minimum of $750/player raised.  We ask that you be willing to donate at least $200 yourself which is equal to the per-player cost for the event.  In the past individual players have raised as much as $8,100!! Remember all funds go to Imani Orphan Care and Doing Family Right…the more funds you raise, the more we can help these two foundations!


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Start Building a Fundraiser

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Tips for Creative Fundraisers

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Make your campaign awesome

fundraise online
Build Your Fundraiser Campaign


For the 2024 Hockey Marathon of Hope, we are using Race Roster to host event registration and personal fundraise campaigns. We encourage you to blow past the $750 personal fundraiser minimum! There are amazing prizes for those who raise the most funds!


Building Your CAMPAIGN Page:

Step 1:
Register for the event. 
Step 2: Build your page.
Step 3: Write your story. Share your passion and belief in this great cause.


• Start by viewing your Personal Page now to see what your potential donors will see.
• Send reminder and solicitation e-mails to friends, family, and co-workers about your participation
• Track your individual ongoing fundraising progress
• Update your fundraising goal
• View reports on who & when your team members make a donation
• Send follow-up messages and thank-you emails to your supporters

Tips for Creative Fundraisers

Burgers and Beer Night

This one is pretty easy to plan out and gives you great return…Lots of local pubs will have an option for this!

The Details: the pub will give you a cost for what the charge for the dinner per person and then will set a price for the ticket. For example, if dinner cost $10 sell the ticket for $20.

The Extra’s: Why not run a silent auction, 50/50 or a raffle for a bigger prize? (just make sure the place you choose has a gambling license!)
Invite all you know plus their friends–BBQ season is right around the corner so get planning 

Neufeld Farms Fundraising

The Details: Take advantage of their fundraising options which include taking meat orders and cookies! Ask those you know what they want from the list of things they give you and you get a percentage back.

The Extras: Sell it! Let them know that if they buy their groceries from you, it goes to help both Imani and Doing Family Right.

The Details: Get 3 items (donated or supplied), grab some raffle tickets from the dollar store and you are set to go!You can also do cash prizes with this one. For instance,if you have 100 tickets and sell them for $20 each. You could do cash prizes. (1 gets $750 2 gets $250 3 Gets $100. you make $900)

The Extras: Make the raffle a “big deal” by reaching out on social media, updating people on your progress, and when you do the draw, film it and post it on Facebook after—it can raise awareness and promote all in one!

help with fundraising

We want to help you blow past the $750 minimum of funds raised and make a huge impact. If you need some help for ideas or anything else, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Contact Us